Putting The Law of Attraction Into Action

Putting The Law of Attraction Into Action

“If you want something, all you have to do is ask for it.” Sweeter words have never been spoken. It would be like a dream come true. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be true. Good things really can be yours just from asking for them when you’re uutting the Law of Attraction into action.

When you know how to ask. That’s the key. Knowing how to ask, and knowing what to ask for. You can ask for anything you want. But asking for a new car when you really want a Porsche, doesn’t mean you’ll be satisfied with just “a new car”. And just saying “I want a Porsche” and then going on about your life as usual probably won’t get it for you.

Focusing your thoughts on getting that new Porsche, picturing yourself driving it, truly believing you deserve it, and allowing it to come to you is the way to get it.

Just asking is only the first step in the Law of Attraction. Feeling and acting as if you’ve received it is the second, knowing you deserve it and allowing it to come to you is the third.

Having doubts about your worthiness produces negative energy. Negative energy produces negative results. If you don’t think you deserve a new Porsche, you won’t get it. If you don’t think the Law of Attraction works, it won’t work for you.

Positive energy is the only way to get positive results. And positive energy is only produced by positive thoughts.

Positive Thinking

Because our thought process is constantly working, the Law of Attraction is constantly working as well. Many of our thoughts are at the unconscious level, so we’re not always aware of what type of energy those thoughts may be creating.

According to the Law of Attraction, if you want something enough and you truly believe it’s possible for you to have it, you’ll probably get it. But the same is true for negative thoughts.

If you spend a lot of time thinking on the things you don’t want or fear, and you believe it’s possible for you to experience them, it’s just as likely they’ll come your way. You can’t avoid unpleasant things by hoping they don’t happen.

Your unconscious is literal and produces negative energy the same as it does positive energy. It doesn’t know the difference. Your unconscious mind doesn’t understand “I don’t want”. To truly achieve the positive benefits of the Law of Attraction, you have to become aware of what you’re focusing your attention on.

Are you focusing on what you want? Or don’t want? Do you have thoughts or beliefs that are contrary to what you want? If you truly want something, but feel you don’t really deserve it, those thoughts will be translated into energy, and the Universe will “feel” that you don’t deserve it.

Becoming aware of what you’re spending your energy on, enables you to change it. Allowing you to focus all your thoughts on the things you really want.

Law of Attraction Life PlannerHow To Visualize the Things You Want

Visualization is by far one of the most powerful tools for good setting and attracting what you want. Yet few people know how to properly visualize. With the right technique you can begin to see outstanding results in successfully attracting what you want, granted you full apply what you learn.

First you are visualizing all the time. You may not be aware of it but you are always conjuring up images in your mind. When you are speaking on the telephone to someone you are most of ten times trying to see in your mind what they are telling you. You also visualize when you are deep in thought. When you are worrying about paying your debt or worrying about the way you would really like to live your life you are also visualizing what you want.

The hard part however is to use that creative force to actually attract the things you want. This is where many people go terribly wrong.

Here is a great test to help you understand the most effective way visualize. Think of the last time you were deep in thought. Now try to remember what that felt like. If you can recall that time, you will notice that you were deep inside of yourself. You were unaware of anyone or anything and as you were allowing yourself to visualize you could feel clearly that you were having the experience as if it were real. That is the power of visualization.

When people ask all the time How do I visualize the things I want, I tell them the same way you visualize the things that you don’t want. You see when you are feeling anxious and fearful you lock yourself away in your inner mind with those images. You loose sight of other possibilities and if it is something that happened to you, then you recreate it in its full detail with all your emotions all over again.

Try to immerse yourself with full emotions when you are trying to create the things you want. Many thoughts may come to distract you but if you will redirect your mind to what you do want your mind will be trained to hold that thought.

There are many tools and techniques that can greatly empower your ability to visualize if you really have a hard time. You can add extreme magnetism to any mental image you want to create as long as you apply the right technique.

Ways To Use The Law of Attraction To Manifest Faster Results

The whole idea of the law of attraction is to be a co creator with God in manifesting the things that are deepest to your heart. When you use the law of attraction in the right way you can experience manifesting your desires at a much faster rate than you ever would have had you not made the effort to use it correctly. You can use the law of attraction to manifest faster results by taking the following seven steps.

  1. Be Grateful Now
    Gratitude can dramatically change your life but best of all it gets the law of attraction to give you more of what you are feeling grateful and happy for. When you are feeling frustrated and down the law of attraction gives you more reasons to feel down. You manifest more situations that make you feel unhappy. So as the first rule to manifesting faster results begin to see all the things in your present life that you are grateful for no matter how simple it is.
  2. Speak of It
    It may seem hypocritical at first when you learn of the law of attraction to speak of your desires as if they are already here. In reality all things are already created. The moment a thought is conceived you have brought it into your reality. The more you speak of that thought the stronger it becomes and the faster it moves into your state of being. Think of a child who becomes eager about the thing he or she wants. See how eager they are about it? They look up pictures about it, they speak about what they will do when they get it. They don’t worry about how or when it will come, they just know and above all they are excited about it. Speak with joy about what will come into your life because your words and thoughts about it feeds that creation and brings it to you faster.
  3. Surround Yourself With The Things You Desire
    You maybe asking, how can I surround myself with the things that I want if I don’t have it? It may not be yours at the moment but you can borrow, you can visit, above all you can place yourself in the environment and among the people who are closely link to the things you desire. The successful application of the law of attraction depends on you already being in that energy of what you want. It is up to you to create the state that you want to attract and you do so by being among the things that you want until it is fully yours. The law of attraction will give you quite easily what you bring into your focus, whether you are speaking of it or observing it. You get more of what you surround yourself with.
  4. Let Go!!!
    Let go of what you want. Yes, let it go. Know that you desire to experience a particular thing but don’t hold on out of fear of doubt. The more you cling on to the needing or wanting feeling the more disastrous your manifesting will be. You will only succeed in feeling more needy. Allow yourself to feel full and confident. Those who understand how the universe and the laws of attraction work easily understand the power of their intention and don’t feel stress or needy. They create and know that the law of attraction is working for them and what they create will soon manifest. They create then let go and move into the state of receiving.
    There is a great paradox that comes with letting go because a very large part of manifesting requires that you give a lot of focus to your desire but there is a delicate balancing act of focus without feeling needy or being clingy.
  5. Learn to Receive
    To activate the law of attraction you must move into the state of receiving. This is something most people cannot do. Many people say that they want certain things but few people know how to receive those things that they are asking for. Most people feel doubtful or unworthy about what they want. Deep within they feel that they do not deserve nor will they get what they are asking for. Those tiny feeling of unworthiness are giant blocks in the manifesting process and can only serve in destroying what you are hoping to attract. The law of attraction is a science that takes you deep into your inner nature and allows you to see where you are feeling disconnected as a co-creator with God and the universe. Become worthy and allow yourself to receive.
  6. Become Worthy Now
    Become worthy by recognizing that you can manifest anything that you want because you are Gods and Goddesses and what you desire is only a tiny speck in the universe. You deserve to manifest what you want because when you are rich you influence those around you in positive ways. When you use the law of attraction to manifest a better life you are in the flow and in a better state of adding value to the world. The faster you can feel worthy of what you desire to manifest the faster it will come. One of the biggest blocks in manifesting is the feeling of unworthiness that most people feel. God wants you to have, the universe is great enough and there is more than enough for you and everyone else. You are worthy!.
  7. Give What You Desire Most
    You may not have all the money in the world for yourself but you do have something of value and that thing which is of value to you may be in scarce supply to someone else. Give to others and you will be stunned and amazed by how fast the law of attraction will manifest abundance in your life.
    There is a natural flow in the universe and in order to manifest more you must also be in the flow of giving. Give to others as long as you do not give more of yourself. There are many flawed concepts of giving more than you have, this is very faulty. Give only what you can, never ever deplete yourself. Give what makes you feel happy to give. Give with love on a regular basis but also be aware of conserving your own and the law of attraction will bless you by bringing to you much more than you give. As you give you will get and you will manifest much more than you could ever have imagined and much faster too.

Regardless of the name, the basic concept is the same. You ask for something, truly believe (have faith) you will get it. And last but not least is belief that you deserve to have it. Whatever you call it, teaching yourself to have positive thoughts and believing you’re deserving of good things can only result in positive gains in your life.

The Law of Attraction isn’t going to solve all your problems overnight. But if you start practicing it on a conscious level, eventually it will become second nature to you. You won’t have to steer your mind to thoughts of positive things. It will already be there. Positive thoughts breed positive actions and reactions. Give it an honest try and you may be pleasantly surprised.

All the success tools you need to create the life you always wanted is in Law of Attraction Productivity Planner: Deluxe Weekly/Monthly 12-Month Journey to Increase Productivity & Happiness Planner, Life Organizer, Gratitude Journal, and Stickers. This resource contains 248 pages of life transformation, 52 weekly, 12 monthly planning overviews with reflections, 45 journal pages, habit trackers, mind maps, out-foldable vision board, and morning and evening routines guide.